5 Ways to Activate & Tap Into Your Intuition
Intuition is the sixth sense that can help you make better decisions, for yourself, more often. Are you listening?
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Why do some people sit with uncertainty for too long and continue to question their decisions after they’ve officially made them…
Even going on to regret good decisions…
While others intuitively know the right thing to do, for them?
Why do some people have an instinct for making the right call, almost without thinking, while others are condemned to learning through tedious trial and error?
The difference is that some people are more connected to their intuition than others.
They have more access to it, and because of that, they have a wise counsel that wants the absolute best for them at all times, whispering in their ear at all times.
All they have to do is tune into it.
So, What Exactly is Intuition?
Intuition is a natural and instinctive way of knowing or sensing something without conscious reasoning or analysis.
It isn’t experienced logically, or even through language necessarily.
Though what comes through in intuition can be unpacked into logic later.
Intuition is described as a ‘sixth sense’ or ‘gut feeling’ that comes from within—not as an inkling, or the beginnings of a logical series of thoughts piecing together, but instead, as a dense packet of information that comes to you all at once.
It’s not making a guess, even an educated one, but instead, the wisdom of intuition is far more direct, far more specific, and far more tailored for you.
The founder of analytical psychology, Carl Jung, taught that intuition comes from the Daemon—a term he borrows from the Greeks which means “an inner attendant or inspiring force.”
He described this Daemon as being your creative voice, containing your ability to innovate as well as your intuition. Your creative essence, living in the unconscious mind. From here it observes your life and your feelings.
In each experience, you take in 5% of what is happening—your Daemon takes in the other 95%. You experience something only for it to become a memory you can recall later.
Your Daemon doesn’t need to recall it. It knows. And it uses that knowledge as well as that of every other experience you’ve had to continue to calculate what is best for you, in your subconscious mind and guide you from there, outside of awareness.
The only thing question is, are you listening?
Why Does Intuition Need to Be Activated?
If you’re not hearing anything, that can be because your intuition needs to be activated.
But in truth, it’s not that it needs to be turned on.
Instead, your intuition needs to be allowed, and in all reality, prioritized.
The distractions from modern life separate us from our inner voice and intuition and eventually, it becomes a dull sound that we can easily lose in the background of our minds.
The reason it’s described as activating your intuition is because when you show the intent to consciously listen to your intuition, your Daemon, takes that chance to send a signal while you’re paying attention.
Often hitting you with all the ‘mail’ you haven’t been receiving all at once.
But that mail comes with a wisdom of emotions, feelings, and even the energy of inspiration to act on it—feeling like you are being activated and another part of you is coming online.
But really, it’s just an instance when you’re listening to the part of you that knows best.
Instead of ignoring it like most people are taught to, despite the disconnection this creates.
That’s why intuition comes paired with relief, a feeling of being supported, aided, and guided, knowing you’re not doing this alone after all—the best side of you is there for you.
And so, intuition is something absolutely everybody should be getting in tune with.
But here are some examples of who Intuition is for and how it can be used:
Entrepreneurs and executives - who must make important decisions that affect more than just you, and need more than one way to know if your decision is right.
People dating or in relationships - who want to find a partner that is right for them on multiple levels and have a way of knowing that, despite feeling vulnerable throughout the process.
Anyone dedicated to personal growth - who needs to know when they are just uncomfortable because they are pushing their edge, or because they are going down the wrong path for them at this time.
You can see how intuition applies to anyone, and all humans who make decisions should be activating, tapping into, and strengthening their intuition on a regular basis, so they can decipher the signal from the noise…
And make the right call for themselves more often.
So, here are 5 ways to do that.
Way #1 - Practice Meditation
Meditation can be as simple and complicated as you want it to be.
But the important thing about meditation is that when you’re meditating, you’re also making time and showing up for intuition to come through.
Because if you are trying to make your intuition louder, by making your life quieter, it’s not going to happen. Or it’s not going to stay that way.
Life gets messy, life gets loud, and most of the time the point is not to avoid that mess.
Instead, just start by setting aside a short time to listen to your intuition.
It doesn’t have to be long. Can be 5, 10, or 20 minutes.
Having ‘quality time’ with your intuition is worth more than trying to rely on it to come through clearly in the moment you need it.
Just meditate and observe what comes through when you make the point to listen.
This time will help you recognize what your intuition sounds like, loud and clear when it isn’t under pressure.
And start a strong relationship with your intuition, so it can come through and be recognized in the messiness of life.
Way #2 - Practice Shadow Work
Once you start meditating and observing the ruminative thoughts and self-talk that start to come through during that time, you’re going to notice patterns.
Many of these patterns will start forming when you recognize more of how you’re feeling about the things going on in your life.
As well as sensations in the body you may not be aware of all the time.
But when you begin to raise your awareness in this way, you will discover pretty quickly that it’s not all rainbows and unicorns.
That in fact, there is much more going on here, outside of awareness and perception, in the shadows, that also begs your attention. And many of it is a warning that, if things don’t change, there will be consequences.
Your Daemon is well aware of those things and is actively trying to guide you through, and around them, helping you make the most of what you’re working with…
Which is only as helpful as you’re able to hear and interpret its advice…
But if you want to make the connection two-way and help carry some of the load, you can do Shadow Work.
Which, is when you engage in various forms of meditation, inquiry, and confrontation with the unconscious mind and rejected parts of the Self.
Shadow Work is notoriously messy and can trigger the ‘dark night of the soul’ but reconnecting with these parts of ourselves, can help us connect with other parts that we are disconnected from.
And often, we’re not disconnected from them without consequences, so that shift towards wholeness comes with its own perks.
One of which being that when you’re building a stronger connection to your intuition, you’re also building a stronger connection to the parts of you that are outside of your awareness.
Way #3 - Gamify Your Life Challenges
Often we can’t hear our intuition because we take life too seriously.
Under the pressure of challenges, we overthink them and their consequences.
And the fear this type of overthinking produces will drown out your intuition and make it impossible to know the difference between the voice of say, your inner child afraid of the world, and your intuition.
(Let alone, how to recognize it from the other authentic voices and inner-influences that reside there.)
The voice of fear, and the voice of wisdom.
Both come from within, how’s one to know?
The solution can be to gamify your world—ironically like a child would.
Just because you’re an adult, and what you do now affects more than you, doesn’t mean you can’t have fun with it. And also ironically, when you do this, it can help you prevent future problems.
As problems are the way that we learn our lessons, and if we’re not listening and we’re not learning, they will increase in intensity and that’s not often fun.
So, instead make trusting yourself and your ability to handle any challenge that comes, knowing you can trust yourself and your intuition, a game.
After you’ve set aside time to listen to your intuition… purposefully put yourself in situations and challenges that will require you to listen to your intuition and get instant feedback on when you do or not.
Gamify the growth of your connection to your intuition and make ‘the work’ fun.
Way #4 - Create
Another surefire way to get in contact with your intuition is to create.
Like meditating, creating is another way of taking dedicated time to listen to your intuition and allow its messages to come through.
Not all of the wisdom your intuition has to offer is going to be something you can describe in words. Its advice also comes in packages of feeling, emotion, and inspiration to create—so often the best way of listening to your intuition is to act, and create in whatever medium is familiar to you.
Plus, that’s the best way to send your Daemon a signal that not only did you get the message and you are listening, but you take its advice seriously.
After all, no one likes an ingrate.
Your intuition isn’t just giving you advice for the sake of making you wiser, it’s giving you advice to act on, so you can actualize your full potential and create the life you want to live.
Ultimately your life is your creation.
But along the way, you can make the journey easier by learning how to…
Way #5 - Trust Your Nature
The best way to activate and tap into your intuition is to trust in your nature.
Listen to your gut, and then trust your gut. Ask what your feelings are and act on them. Don’t rely so much on plans, or ideas of how things should be.
Instead, make plans, prepare how you will, and then trust your nature.
If you’re numb, tune in.
It doesn’t have to take long when you listen.
But you have to trust in your nature—and if you doubt yourself, the help you seek may not be there. And if you distrust yourself, then your starting line may be further back than you think it is.
It only takes a single moment of checking in. From there, you may hack to acknowledge or accept, the advice you get, but you’ve made the connection that’s half the battle.
And all that’s left beyond that is to trust in your nature.
Trusting your nature can help you bring more of your wisdom out on a moment-to-moment basis, and spend less time overthinking or engaging in other forms of self-sabotage.
Your intuition comes from you. It’s a part of you, and all one system, designed to help you grow and become the best possible version of yourself.
So, listen to your intuition.
What do all methods share? Listening.
Your intuition is happening in the background, at all times, whether you can hear it or not.
All methods of activating and tapping into your intuition simply involve listening to it.
Often that means taking dedicated time and space to listen to it—a break away from your every day, if even for a few minutes.
That starts the connection and lets the Daemon know, you’re listening.
And helps you recognize the sound advice of intuition from tones of fear.
Disarming your distrust of this part of yourself that’s there to help make things easier, as if in your back pocket when your need it.
You still have to ask, but then, all that’s left is to listen.
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